
Kjærligheten er en fin ting, det handler om respekt, nærhet og varme. Det handler om å se hverandre, og å være nær. Snakke sammen om det gode og det vonde, støtte hverandre i den daglige gjerningen

tirsdag 9. april 2013

Kjærlighetens styrke

No matter how much we fight. No matter how much we argue. No matter what we go through. We both know that we cannot live without each other. Our love grows stronger after every argument. Our bond gets strengthened after every fight. Our love keeps us together through all the mess that we go through. We are devoted to our soulful relationship and we will never let each other down. I strongly believe that nothing in this world can keep us apart because we are one in mind, body and soul. We accept and compliment each other just the way we are to make our simple life extraordinary and magical. I have deep faith in our love because I know our feelings for each other are true, honest, deep and pure....!!